Chiropractic is a safe and effective natural approach to Better Health & Wellness. Visit our FSJ office today.

Chiropractic Care - A Natural Approach To Better Health

Chiropractic is a non-invasive, hands-on health care discipline that focuses on the neuro-musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic care alleviates pain, reduces muscle tension, increases blood flow, improves joint movement, corrects posture, and normalizes energy flow in your body.

The holistic approach is the major aspect of the chiropractic philosophy, and it is believed that the body is a self-healing organism. Chiropractic focuses on maintaining optimal health naturally and helping the body to resist disease by treating the causes of physical problems, rather than simply treating the symptoms of disease. Combining chiropractic care, proper nutrition and exercise will help you to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle and activate longevity.

Chiropractic is a natural solution for the treatment of:

  • Neck Pain

  • Lower Back Pain

  • Headaches

  • Sciatica

  • Radiating Pain

  • Sports Injuries

  • Posture correction

  • Muscle Pain

  • Joint Pain

Chiropractors specialize in the detection and correction of misalignments in the spine. By making small adjustments to correct spinal misalignments, and remove interference with spinal cord function, chiropractic can improve the body’s innate ability to heal itself.


  • What is chiropractic?

    Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. At All Well Life Chiropractic & Wellness, we strive to offer the best in care.

    There have been research studies showing the multitude of benefits of spinal manipulation for certain conditions, and along with the studies comes many opinions on why chiropractic therapy works. In one sense, it does not matter why it works, although knowing the exact mechanisms would help allow us to determine the best candidates for chiropractic adjustments.

    The neurological wiring of the nervous system is affected by chiropractic adjustments due to the relationship of the wiring of the joint and the central nervous system. It is like a house on a circuit breaker. If all of your kitchen appliances are wired together, and when one overloads the system, the others in the system will fail as well. At All Well Life, we will take the time to discuss your condition and answer any questions you may have.

    This is a very simplistic analogy, and if you want to know more about the philosophy and what science has uncovered of the chiropractic adjustment, I would be happy to have a personal conversation with you at All Well Life.

  • Our Clinic Provides Professional Prenatal Chiropractic Care at All Well Life.

    Your first appointment will be approximately 30 minutes which will include a consult, exam, and treatment. All appointments after the first, are 15 - 20 minutes long, and will include any number of treatment options that we provide. Our clinic provides the utmost professional prenatal chiropractic care.

    Our tables are clean and accommodate the pregnant belly all the way up to the due date. We are well experienced with providing chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapy for pregnancy related pains.

    Every pregnancy is slightly different, and the most common pains appear on the left or right side in the low back or pelvis area. It is very common and normal for the expectant mother to have spinal and pelvic related pains. More specifically it is usually the sacroiliac joint or frequently referred to as the SI joint that becomes problematic and the source of pain.

    The SI joint most commonly refers pain in the left or right side of the back where the lumbar vertebrae meet the pelvis. The SI joint can also refer pain into the gluteal area. With some SI joint related pain, the pain can radiate from the glute to the outer thigh and finally to the front of the leg, just above the knee. The SI joint can also create numbness or tingling on the lateral and anterior portion of the thigh. Every case of SI joint related pain can be slightly different, as some feel the SI joint pain primarily in the back but the pain can also be felt deep in the front part of the pelvis.

  • Circulation, Support and Stimulation For Healing

    K tape is a popular type of tape that is used to help heal the body from acute painful conditions to chronic overuse conditions. It can be applied to basically any part of the body in any number of patterns. In general, it takes a certain level training and understanding to learn to apply the tape yourself. What make k tape unique is its elastic capabilities, and addition of a finger print like pattern on the under side of the tape. The two qualities combined can help in many different ways to rid the body of pain or dysfunction.


  • Injury Recovery Advanced Soft Tissue Technique

    Active Release Technique can help you recover from your injuries. Active Release Technique (ART) is one of the most advanced soft tissue techniques available. Most professional sports organizations has a certified ART practitioner on their sidelines. Why not have one in your corner.

    We also utilize the graston technique, flexion distraction technique, and other related services for your benefit.

    These types of injuries listed below are termed cumulative trauma injuries. Other than car accident injuries, these are problems that build over time and sneak up on you. You suddenly develop pain in your hip, shoulder, wrist, or such. ART is the gold standard in treating soft tissue injuries, and is high advisable you try out a session so you can see the benefits yourself.

  • Why Do We Develop Scar Tissue?

    The Graston Technique® is one of the most innovative treatments for chronic musculoskeletal dysfunctions. It is one of the most popular treatments performed on the best athletes in the world. The technique is aimed at ridding problem areas of scar tissue or adhesions that alter the normal function of the muscles and other connective tissue.

    It is common knowledge that we get scar tissue after a bad cut or a surgical procedure, but we also get scar tissue with over use of an area. I’m referring to repetitive overuse injuries. These are problems that develop gradually due to the constant demand placed on them. This causes the area to fatigue which causes a local metabolic change that promotes the creation of scar tissue. The scar tissue then prevents the normal relaxation and contraction of the muscle. This shows as muscle tightness, trigger points, excessive tension, and stiffness.

    Graston Technique® Treatment

    We may suggest other complimentary treatments that we offer to help accelerate the healing process, such as shockwave, kinesio taping, or other therapies. Your follow up visits are 20 minutes long Getting the most of the Graston technique usually takes some where between 6 to 12 treatments. Occasionally you may need maintenance visits to keep your progress. Repetitive overuse injuries are usually due to your job, which you will of course continue after your therapy.

  • Regain Your Health

    The disc can heal in the appropriate environment. It is our job to help create that environment so you can regain your health. We not only focus on the location of the problem, but we also treat from the feet up. Your feet and everything above contribute to the forces that translate through the disc during walking. Our everyday steps add up quick, and when the system doesn’t dampen the forces correctly, it shows as tight and tender muscles that overtime cause injury. Taking the stress of the disc, will help allow it to heal appropriately.

  • We Offer the Webster Technique to Help Offset the Added Stress of Pregnancy

    Expectant families are seeking out chiropractors who are knowledgeable in the Webster Technique as a way to facilitate an easier, safer, and more comfortable birth. The adjustment allows for optimal fetal positioning and the goal of the technique is aimed at normalizing the function of the joints, muscles, and nervous system of the pregnant women.

    Why is the Webster Technique Favored Over the Breech Turning Technique?

    The Webster Technique has historically improved pregnancy outcomes, but has also been inappropriately labeled as a breech turning technique. The difference is that breech turning is simply a set of exercises, while the Webster Technique is an advanced chiropractic adjustment with a specific focus on sacral adjustment. This technique helps ease the mother’s pelvic alignment and nerve system function to reduce torsion in the uterus. Our experience is that women feel much better and have improved outcomes with regular chiropractic treatments before pregnancy and during your pregnancy.

    Set up your appointment today and help yourself to have a more improved delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Chiropractors use specific non-invasive hands-on spinal manipulation and other alternative treatments that assist in proper alignment of the body’s musculoskeletal structures, particularly the spine, which enable the body to heal itself without surgery or medication.

  • There are well documented benefits provided by chiropractic treatment for many musculoskeletal conditions. Although spinal manipulation can relieve certain types of back pain, neck pain, and other musculoskeletal symptoms by aligning underlying physical imbalances, there are instances when other types of medical interventions might be warranted to address specific structural and traumatic conditions.

  • Chiropractors receive their professional degree leading to a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) by completing four-year chiropractic program that consist of hands-on experience, human anatomy, physiology, microbiology, cell and tissue biology, neuroscience, visceral and musculoskeletal physiopathology, radiology, clinical nutrition, public health and wellness and clinical laboratory diagnosis. However, chiropractors do not hold medical degree and not considered medical doctors.

  • Chiropractic is safe and effective natural approach to better health. Chiropractors use variety of non-invasive manual techniques to correct misalignments in the spine and other joints throughout the body. Spinal and joint manipulation is applied to abnormal vertebra (spinal segments) with the goal of improving functionality, reducing nerve irritability and restoring range of motion in the back. Manual manipulation is also known as chiropractic adjustment.

  • Chiropractic care is essential to maintain optimal spine health naturally. Regular maintenance of the spine helps to alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension, increase blood circulation, restore joint movement, correct posture, and normalize energy flow in your body. Although chiropractic is recommended to people who suffer from back and joint pain, you don’t have to be in pain to visit a chiropractor to experience all these benefits.

  • Chiropractic adjustment rarely causes discomfort. If this is the first time you get an adjustment, your body might not expect the change a chiropractor introduces. However, patients may sometimes experience mild soreness or aching following treatment (as with some forms of exercise) that usually resolves within 12 to 48 hours. This reaction is normal and should not alarm you.