Feel your best ever…naturally.

Whether you want to lose weight, reduce stress, heal past trauma, or simply feel better, find out if Holistic Hypnotherapy is the right fit for you.

Your Story Changes Here

You're here because you're ready for something different.

It feels like something is subtly holding you back.

It's a bit hard to pinpoint exactly what it is.

You really want to change, but something inside seems to resist a little.

You've tried different things, but the results haven't lasted.

Those same habits and feelings seem to return no matter what.

That's why you're here.

You know there's something deeper and you're ready to HEAL.

Not Your Everyday Hypnotherapy

At All Well Life, our approach to helping clients is different from standard therapists and hypnosis practitioners.

By employing meticulous evaluations and superior quality recordings, we facilitate a modified state of mind that provides a new perspective on your experiences.

Our mission is to uncover unexpected driving factors and concealed links that are contributing to your distress. By doing so, we aim to access the root of the problem much faster than traditional therapeutic practices usually allow.

Who is Hypnotherapy For?

Our hypnotherapy & Energy Psychology is geared towards individuals with a strong drive to initiate transformation in their lives, and who are prepared to undertake the profound emotional effort required for this process.

Our services align particularly well with clients who possess an open mind - those who are receptive to novel experiences, different perspectives, and the exploration of undiscovered facets of their personality.

  • At All Well Life, we know that exploring new things can feel scary, but we also believe that facing and dealing with these uneasy feelings is the real way to get better and grow.

    With Hypnotherapy, we help build your ability to deal with "Emotional Pain." This helps us deal with bigger problems quicker and helps you live a happier, more fulfilling life.

    Your sessions are designed to be thorough and to the point, and we believe you'll start seeing real changes and benefits after just 1 - 2 sessions.

    Each person's hypnotherapy session is designed just for them. Based on your unique challenges, we will design a specific, target orIented treatment just for you.

    It's important to mention that our methods aren’t for everyone, and we suggest all clients select a free 30-minute introduction appointment or call with us to see if this type of therapy is right for you.

    But, if you're ready to get to work and really get to the root of the problem. we are here to help and support you on this journey.

    Get in touch with us today, and start your journey towards a happier life.


The real reason willpower alone never works.

You're not at fault... at least not on a conscious level...

The subconscious mind is something we all have, defined as "existing in the mind, but not consciously perceived or recognized." Studies reveal that our subconscious mind governs our lives 95% of the time. We employ our conscious mind, where our wishes and goals dwell, just 5% of the time. So, regardless of the thoughts or emotions we aim to feel, if our subconscious mind is conditioned to think or feel differently, we cannot alter them.

For example, you might wish to decrease your stress at work. You consciously understand the significance and health benefits of doing so. Yet, you may harbor a subconscious conviction that stress drives you to "accomplish tasks", and if you were to release it, you'd just unwind, turn idle, and get nothing done. No matter your desire to relinquish stress, you will only truly conquer it once this subconscious conception about stress is altered.

The optimal method to access your subconscious is by sinking into a profound state of mind where you can effectively become aware of these convictions and implement changes to your subconscious programming. So, is there a method or process that can guide you into this optimal mindset, allowing your subconscious negative patterns to be replaced with positivity and a focused sense of calm?

Indeed, there is, and that's precisely what our Holistic Hypnotherapy aims to achieve. Find our how today by booking a FREE 30 minute consultation in person or online.

We’re Not Just Here to Talk About Your Problems…

…We’re Here to Solve Them, For Good.

A comparison study concluded the following:

Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions

– American Health Magazine— Quote Source

Hypnotherapy has been scientifically proved to work for…

These are only a few of the many areas Hypnotherapy has been proved to be highly effective.

Our approach is always tailored to the individual, and we strive to use whatever works best to create an experience that is greater than the sum of its parts.

  • Turn into the most relaxed person you know. Find out what's causing your stress. Handle life's ups and downs in a calm way.

  • Change how you think about food and exercise, and learn to take care of your body in a way that helps you reach the weight you want to be.

  • Achieve all you’ve ever dreamed of. Find out what beliefs are holding you back from being your very best.

  • Take your life back. Break away from unhealthy ways of dealing with problems. Create good habits and routines that serve you

  • Feel like everything is going wrong? Problems with family, breakups? Stay calm, determined, and flourish during life’s changes.

  • Don't be afraid anymore. Change how you think to get rid of fear and anxiety, and become unstoppable.


The data is in

As hypnotherapy becomes more mainstream, scientific research from leading medical research institutions such as Stanford University, Yale University, and Mayo Clinic are close behind in verifying the benefits.

After listening to hypnosis recordings twice per day for only 7 days, participants reported experiencing significant changes such as…


*Less Depressed Feelings


*More Contentment


*More Happiness


*Reduced Procrastination


*Less Stressed Feelings


*More Satisfaction

*Source: Barrios, Alfred A. “Hypnotherapy: A Reappraisal,” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice



Recovery after 6 sessions

93% recovery rate

6 sessions



Recovery after 600 sessions

38% recovery rate

600 sessions


Get to work, online or in person with our Holistic Hypnotherapist

Experience more growth in less time with our Holistic Hypnotherapy Options.

Research says that 95% of our life is driven by the subconscious mind. This means that no matter how much we want to change our thoughts or feelings, if our subconscious mind is stuck in old self-defeating habits, we can't change them. With Hypnotherapy we will work with you one-on-one to rewire your subconscious and change your old ways of thinking, resulting in better choices and a better life.

We offer our Holistic Hypnotherapy sessions in person at All Well Life Chiropractic & Wellness in Fort St John, B.C or online.

Online sessions happen safely and comfortably from your own home, over a video calling service.

What is Hypnosis?

Dr. Andrew Huberman Explains | The Tim Ferriss Show

Book Your FREE Discovery Call Today

30-Minute Intro Call

Take the First Steps Towards Positive and Powerful Change

At All Well Life, we understand that the thought of starting hypnotherapy can be daunting. That’s why we offer a free 30-minute intro call where you’ll have the chance to ask any questions you may have about our approach and see if we're the right fit for you.

It’s time to start your journey towards healing and personal growth, and we’re here to help!